
These routes deal with plugin & Obsidian environment info. Their URLs start with obsidian://actions-uri/info.



Returns information about the plugin and the current Obsidian instance.

Parameter Value Optional? Description
x-success string   base URL for on-success callbacks
x-error string   base URL for on-error callbacks

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-plugin-version The version of the responding Action URI plugin
result-plugin-released-at The release timestamp of the responding Action URI plugin (ISO 8601)
result-api-version The API version of the app, which follows the release cycle of the desktop app
result-node-version The version of Node running the plugin, e.g. “16.13.2”
result-os OS information gathered from Obsidian’s user agent string, e.g. “Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7”
result-platform Returns “macOS”, “Windows/Linux” “iOS” or “Android”