

These routes deal with reading, writing and updating note properties. Their URLs start with obsidian://actions-uri/note-properties/….

Please keep in mind that setting new properties will effectively rewrite a note’s front matter.


Root, i.e. /note-properties

Does nothing but say hello.


Only supports the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”).

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-message A short summary of what was done.



Returns a note’s properties.


In addition to the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”):

Parameter Value type Optional? Description
file string   Mutually exclusive with periodic-note. The file path of the note, relative from the vault’s root. The extension .md can be omitted.
periodic-note string   v1.6+ Mutually exclusive with file. Allowed values: daily | weekly | monthly | quarterly | yearly
x-success string   base URL for on-success callbacks
x-error string   base URL for on-error callbacks

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-properties The file’s properties encoded as JSON string.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.



Overwrites or updates a note’s properties.

When overwriting, all of the note’s properties will be replaced with the new ones. When updating, the properties specified in the properties parameter will replace existing keys with the same name, leaving the rest untouched.

In absence of a dedicated Obsidian API method for writing properties (AFAICT), Actions URI will translate the properties parameter into front matter YAML, and then replace the old front matter. Obsidian will pick up the file change and populate the note’s properties from the changed front matter. How Obsidian interprets those values is up to you, and it can only be specified in Obsidian itself — please see the official Property doc page for more details.

The properties parameter will only accept object values with valid types (i.e., string, list of strings, number, and boolean). Date and Date & Time properties are represented as string values.


In addition to the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”):

Parameter Value type Optional? Description
file string   Mutually exclusive with periodic-note. The file path of the note, relative from the vault’s root. The extension .md can be omitted.
periodic-note string   v1.6+ Mutually exclusive with file. Allowed values: daily | weekly | monthly | quarterly | yearly
properties string   The new properties encoded as JSON string.
mode string optional Either overwrite or update. Defaults to overwrite.
x-success string   base URL for on-success callbacks
x-error string   base URL for on-error callbacks

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-body The note body, i.e. the note file content minus possible front matter.
result-content The entire content of the note file.
result-filepath The file path of the note, relative from the vault root folder.
result-front-matter The note’s front matter, i.e. the note file content minus the note body.
result-properties The note’s properties.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.



Removes the entirety of a note’s properties (and therefore, its front matter).


In addition to the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”):

Parameter Value type Optional? Description
file string   Mutually exclusive with periodic-note. The file path of the note, relative from the vault’s root. The extension .md can be omitted.
periodic-note string   v1.6+ Mutually exclusive with file. Allowed values: daily | weekly | monthly | quarterly | yearly
properties string   The new properties encoded as JSON string.
mode string optional Either overwrite or update. Defaults to overwrite.
x-success string   base URL for on-success callbacks
x-error string   base URL for on-error callbacks

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-body The note body, i.e. the note file content minus possible front matter.
result-content The entire content of the note file.
result-filepath The file path of the note, relative from the vault root folder.
result-front-matter The note’s front matter, i.e. the note file content minus the note body.
result-properties The note’s properties.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.



Remove one or more keys from a note’s properties (and therefore, its front matter).

The keys parameter is a JSON-encoded array of strings, e.g. ["createdAt", "aliases"], because keys in a note’s properties may contain commas etc., which prevented using a simpler CSV-type parameter like “createdAt,aliases”. 🤷🏻‍♂️


In addition to the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”):

Parameter Value type Optional? Description
file string   Mutually exclusive with periodic-note. The file path of the note, relative from the vault’s root. The extension .md can be omitted.
periodic-note string   v1.6+ Mutually exclusive with file. Allowed values: daily | weekly | monthly | quarterly | yearly
keys string   The list of keys to remove, as a JSON-encoded array of strings.
x-success string   base URL for on-success callbacks
x-error string   base URL for on-error callbacks

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-body The note body, i.e. the note file content minus possible front matter.
result-content The entire content of the note file.
result-filepath The file path of the note, relative from the vault root folder.
result-front-matter The note’s front matter, i.e. the note file content minus the note body.
result-properties The note’s properties.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.